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About me

"This place where you are right now, God circled on a map for you"...
I feel so grateful for my journey and for where I am today. Right now I hold a rich toolbox of both time tested practices and modern evidence based skills. I feel like I really am in the best place to be of service.  I am inspired every day by my beautiful family, the wonderful nature around me and my clients.

But I have also had struggles at times, where I feel like I have been bombarded by life, leaving me broken, bruised and lost. Through these times, my passion and purpose has taken me home to my true self and I have found a way through major challenges such as post-natal depression and anxiety after my second daughter; persistent pain and some serious heart health problems; mothering my diverse daughters and up-levelling my career path many times including starting a masters degree in the year I turned 40...what was I thinking!!!! I continue to trust and follow my truth....and because of that I've found a unique path in life and I am so grateful for the growth!

"Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive!" - Hafiz

Growing up as a deeply sensitive being in a sensory world, I have found the wisdom and gifts of yoga, dance and somatic practices a sure way to stay sane, ground my awareness and live life with more effectiveness, balance and joy. Trained as a yoga therapist and teacher since 2000, I love facilitating individuals to connect with and honour their body and soul. I now bring these tools into my practice as an OT working with kids and adults with ASD, ADHD, anxiety, trauma, chronic pain and neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and brain injury.

My Favorite Things



Self Care

My superpower...


My superpower is helping people feel calm…to feel heard and to feel hope. To be reconnected with their truth, their body wisdom, their gifts. This truth guides change where action is ripe and ready and to accept what has changed forever. And to remember that which is non-changing within themselves. To rely on that resilience which calls them forth towards loving life…

Sarita Sloane

Some of my most life changing trainings and skills:
Masters of Occupational Therapy Practice
Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)
Graduate Diploma of Yoga Therapy
Certified Yoga instructor with Vivekananda Yoga research institute
Explain Pain- Neuroscience of pain recovery
Sound and Colour Healing
Diploma of Transpersonal Counselling
Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT)

Talk To Me

I really like to take the time to get to know my clients

One of the most magic things about being an Occupational Therapist and Yoga therapist is getting to know my wonderful clients. To be welcomed into their homes, lives, families to help them live life better. In the process, they all help me to grow and live better!

“Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others”.

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